My heart is in Iraq

This site is meant for the women of different military men to support each other through deployments and everyday military life.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I guess my first post should be the story of Danny (my fiance) and I. Well I have known him my whole life. Literally since I was a baby, we actually have a video of my third his fifth birthday party at Chuckie Cheese. Anyway, my dad and his dad are best friends and my dad always used to say, "I would not mind if one of you girls (meaning me or one of my three sisters) married one of those boys." Well to everyone's shock 15 months ago Danny and I got together. And then just three months ago he asked me to marry him and three days ago he left for Iraq. A while before he left I found other women's blog sites about their men being deployed and I thought it was cool how everyone supported one another. We can all relate to each other.

Right now I am trying to get through finals week at my college which is even harder considering he just left. I am so distracted. Last night I slept with my cell phone in my hand because he said he would try to call me from Ireland. Well he never did and I understand but it still sucks. I have no idea where he is right now though and I wish I did. Even before he left I only got to see him about once a month because he was stationed in Texas and his family and I live in Missouri but he called me every night and usually all day long we would text message each other while he was at work and I was in school. So now I email him when I have time but I don't think he can check his email yet. I really have no idea at all what he can and can't do right now.


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