He has been gone for ten days now and some things are just now starting to sink in. He's my best friend and I miss being able to talk to him about anything and everything. I don't really have someone to talk to here. When I get sad and miss him a lot I don't know who to talk to. My family and friends really don't understand. They know why I am sad but their standing is pretty much that my situation sucks and they would hate to be in it. I really do fine usually but everyday I see something that reminds me of him and makes me sad. The other day my friends took me out to Wild Country. I thought it would be good to get out and I figured I wouldn't get upset because how much guy and girl dancing is there if it is line dancing? Well, the minute I got there they did like 3 or 4 slow songs. I ended up crying. I saw these happy couples together and it made me miss him so much. Am I always going to feel like this? I know I will always miss him, but will I always be this emotional to where I hate watching romantic movies and seeing couples together upsets me?
At 10:33 AM,
kbug said…
My youngest son left for Iraq the same day your sweetie left...December 6th...only mine left from Fort Hood, Texas with the 4th ID. He just got married in August to a sweet girl who is now living with us...so we make up our own support group. She gets so excited every time he calls and when he gets on the IM. They didn't have much time together between the wedding and his deployment, but she knew what she was getting into when she fell in love with him...and that's part of what she loves about him. I'm extremely proud of him, but I too look forward to his calls and IMs...as a matter of fact, he was just on the computer 10 minutes ago. Where would we be without all this wonderful technology?? I know the next year will be hard for you, just as it will be hard for my son's wife and for me...you can't help but worry even when you try not to...and it's true that no one except the families of other soldiers seems to understand how you can be both proud and worried at the same time. I gave up trying to explain to my friends. But, my dad understands, he's a WWII vet (Marine), but he finds it much harder to be on the waiting end than on the end where he was during his war. Hang in there girl...there are more of us out here than you know.
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