I have gotten a couple calls from Danny. Apparently he is at a nice base. He said the food is really good. He also told me that he is in a very safe area (thank God). Then I didn't hear from him for a while. He usually emails me at least once every 3 to 4 days. Then he called me on Christmas Eve and told me they had a commo black out which means that someone was killed and so they shut down all forms of communication. That scared me. I was at work when he called me but it was so slow I was able to sit in an office and talk to him. Then I started crying when I got off the phone with him, and my friends from work came in the office and told me to start thinking of my wedding which naturally made me smile. I am so excited about it. This made me realize that even though my friends don't understand at all, they can still help me to stop crying. Something else that I noticed is that Danny and I will be talking and he will start to say something then he says umm nevermind I can't talk about it. It annoys me sometimes because I want to know. I understand though. For example, he told me in an email that his Christmas sucked but he couldn't tell me why. I also finally got his address. Now I can send him things. Like the 3rd and 6th seasons of South Park (I will never understand men). I also know of three churches that are going to send him care packages. I think he is going to be popular with the men over there if he decides to share.
As far as how I am doing with his deployment, well some days are easier than others. Everyday I sign on line and wait for my little yahoo thing to pop up and say you have one new message. When it doesn't I get disappointed. When it does, I get a smile on my face and when it is from him that smile gets even bigger, but when it isn't him I get annoyed with whoever it is from because they just got my hopes up for nothing. Sometimes I get really lonely though. And I will start getting teary eyed for what seems like ridiculous reasons. Like the other day at work this girl would not stop talking about her and her boyfriend and then he came and picked her up from work for lunch. That made me sad. Whenever Danny came up to Missouri to see me he would pick me up from work and take me to lunch. Then I started thinking about that more and more and I got upset. I know in my head not to dwell on things like that but I can't help it. Another instance was the other day Danny called me and I missed his call. I had my phone in my hand when it went to the answering machine. I was actually at my orchestra's Christmas party. I was hoping it wasn't him but I listened to my voicemail and found out it was. I got very upset. But I made myself not cry because I realized that would make everyone feel awkward. I immediately called his parents' house though hoping he called them and I could tell them to have him call me. But they weren't home. In the next email I wrote him I told him to call back anytime I don't answer the first time. I am not doing so bad though. I am staying away from romantic movies and situations where there will be a lot of couples.
As far as how I am doing with his deployment, well some days are easier than others. Everyday I sign on line and wait for my little yahoo thing to pop up and say you have one new message. When it doesn't I get disappointed. When it does, I get a smile on my face and when it is from him that smile gets even bigger, but when it isn't him I get annoyed with whoever it is from because they just got my hopes up for nothing. Sometimes I get really lonely though. And I will start getting teary eyed for what seems like ridiculous reasons. Like the other day at work this girl would not stop talking about her and her boyfriend and then he came and picked her up from work for lunch. That made me sad. Whenever Danny came up to Missouri to see me he would pick me up from work and take me to lunch. Then I started thinking about that more and more and I got upset. I know in my head not to dwell on things like that but I can't help it. Another instance was the other day Danny called me and I missed his call. I had my phone in my hand when it went to the answering machine. I was actually at my orchestra's Christmas party. I was hoping it wasn't him but I listened to my voicemail and found out it was. I got very upset. But I made myself not cry because I realized that would make everyone feel awkward. I immediately called his parents' house though hoping he called them and I could tell them to have him call me. But they weren't home. In the next email I wrote him I told him to call back anytime I don't answer the first time. I am not doing so bad though. I am staying away from romantic movies and situations where there will be a lot of couples.
At 12:39 PM,
airbornewife said…
my husband just left for afghanistan 5 days ago. sometimes i don't know how i'm going to cope either. i don't have many people to talk about the whole thing. you realize how many people just wouldn't understand. he has been away from home since september, so i have a little time to adjust to him not being here everyday.
but when they go over the big big blue, its even worse. the only real comfort i have found is in people that are sharing the same experience. if you ever need anyone to talk to, vent to, cry to, i will be someone who would understand. people keep telling me it gets better, i hope so. i have to remind myself that it can always be worse. take care....
At 8:24 PM,
kbug said…
It is disappointing when you turn on the computer and there's no one on the IM and no new e-mails from my baby boy. Seth has been contacting us, but isn't the best communicator and is working 12-hour shifts, so we end up talking to one of his friends alot. Thank goodness for the brotherhood of soldiers. If it wasn't for his buddy, we wouldn't know half of what's going on with Seth. We experienced our first communications blackout last week when a soldier from his FOB was killed...that was tough. Just today, however, I got to see him on the IM camera. I couldn't help but smile. He got that big s**t-eating grin on his face. It will be a roller coaster ride for the duration of the deployment, that's for sure.
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