Well my New Years was not that bad the whole night was pretty much spent with friends. The part that really sucked was midnight. That was when my friends all turned to their boyfriends and started kissing. It sucked. I left the room, but I couldn't go far. It seemed like I was the only one that when alone. Eventually the kissing stopped and I got a little more comfortable but thoughts of Danny were still in my mind. A couple of days after New Years I received and email from him saying that the place where he is really is not as safe as he thought it was. He told me there is a cement covered hole in the wall of his room where a bomb went in but didn't go off. Even though he told me that the bomb thing happened way before he got there, it still made my heart drop into my stomach. I also found out that the tank in front of him got hit with an IED the other day. No one was hurt (thank God) but this also made my heart sink. I was so happy to think he was in a safe area. I knew no place was really safe but this doesn't sound safe at all. I am really starting to miss talking to him too. Even though he was stationed in Texas and I lived in Missouri, I got to talk to him every night. We did not go one night without talking to each other. We talked for hours. About the future and how we can't wait to spend the rest of our lives together, or about how excited we are to be seeing each other soon (I usually got to see him once a month). But even not being able to see him except once a month wasn't hard because I could talk to him. Talking to him made him seem so close. Now I can't and it kills me. I don't really sleep well anymore. I think it is because when he was in Texas we talked until we started falling asleep. Now I sit in my room by myself with no one to talk to. I get so lonely. I hope I will eventually get used to being completely alone at night and start sleeping better. I am also hoping that with my next semester of school starting in week I will be kept busy. So busy that I don't have time to dwell on Danny being gone. I hope. As for now, every day is a new one and I am trying to make it count.
At 6:45 PM,
kbug said…
Hang in there, girl. Don't let the worry and loneliness get the best of you...there's nothing you can do to change the way things are...and you have a long way yet to go. But, just remember, every day that passes gets you that much closer to the day he comes home. Don't lose hope...we're all here for you.
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