I finally had a couple of days off and I must say I didn't spend them too well. I mainly stayed by my computer waiting to see if Danny would sign on, and watching movies I ended up regretting. Yesterday I watched The Notebook and cried for an hour. I don't know why I watch movies like that. I know better. Thursday I watched Cold Mountain and did the same thing. You know what's funny? In the movie Cold Mountain, I cried when they reunited, that wasn't even that sad part. Through the whole rest of the movie that is what I was crying about. Isn't it strange what really gets to you once your soldier is deployed. I used to cry at the end, I won't give it away but it isn't a happy ending, and now I cry at the "happy" part. Aside from that, today I sent my first package to Danny. Our anniversary is on the 6th, his 21st birthday is on the 8th (what a way to spend it huh) and obviously Valentines Day is coming. So needless to say he is getting quite a few goodies in his little box. The guy at the post office told me it would only take like 10 days for him to get it. I am excited because I thought it would take a month. I got my ring cleaned and inspected today too. It is so sparkly now. I find myself just looking at it. It is so pretty.
I can't wait til he comes home in April. He isn't telling his parents when he is coming. He wants to surprise them. I have been trying to tell him that is a bad idea because they will want to take time off work to spend with him. However, I do not mind picking him up from the airport alone, or being able to spend time alone with him while his parents are at work. I am torn. Oh well, it all comes down to what he wants to do.
He and I got to talk online two nights in a row. That was awesome. Thursday night I was online at midnight (like usual) and he signed on to write a few emails in the 15 minutes he had before work. Needless to say he didn't write them. He has the internet working in his room now so he got to use his webcam. It was great to see him. He has lost a lot of weight. On Friday night we got to talk longer and once again he used his webcam. This time however, his roommate was in the room. He started lifting up his shirt for the camera and then next thing I knew he mooned me (the roommate not Danny). Danny said my face was priceless. I was shocked. I have said it before and I will say it again, I will never understand men. Then the server went down. He immediately went to the phone place and called me. I think that was so sweet. I love him so much.
I can't wait til he comes home in April. He isn't telling his parents when he is coming. He wants to surprise them. I have been trying to tell him that is a bad idea because they will want to take time off work to spend with him. However, I do not mind picking him up from the airport alone, or being able to spend time alone with him while his parents are at work. I am torn. Oh well, it all comes down to what he wants to do.
He and I got to talk online two nights in a row. That was awesome. Thursday night I was online at midnight (like usual) and he signed on to write a few emails in the 15 minutes he had before work. Needless to say he didn't write them. He has the internet working in his room now so he got to use his webcam. It was great to see him. He has lost a lot of weight. On Friday night we got to talk longer and once again he used his webcam. This time however, his roommate was in the room. He started lifting up his shirt for the camera and then next thing I knew he mooned me (the roommate not Danny). Danny said my face was priceless. I was shocked. I have said it before and I will say it again, I will never understand men. Then the server went down. He immediately went to the phone place and called me. I think that was so sweet. I love him so much.
At 8:00 PM,
kbug said…
You are so right about not understanding guys....Seth has mooned me several times during the last year. And now, I too have been mooned by one of his buddies in Iraq over the web cam. I swear, Mom's don't get any respect...hahaha...but they sure do laugh alot. Ya gotta love those guys, bare butts and all... :)
At 6:40 PM,
airbornewife said…
What is it with men showing their booties? I will never understand them either. Stay away from those movies girl...all they will give you are puffy eyes and headache!! I have had my share of panic moments the last few days...but i know they will always pass. Hang in there. Stay busy. And all that other stuuf that is easir sad than done. Just know that there are women like you feeling the same way and we are always here to help!!
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