I'm grumpy today. I hate being grumpy. I think it is because I am so stressed lately. I am working so much and going to school everyday. It is wearing on me. I still don't have my laptop back. I'm going to call them tomorrow. And I have to make an appointment to shadow a nurse for four hours as a part of one of my classes but I also have to go get a tuburculin test first (a shot eww). And Danny was going to call me today because it was his day off, but they had another blackout so he couldn't. I think they time those things so he can't talk to me. It's a conspiracy. And a pipe broke in the basement where my room is, so now nasty old water got on my carpet and my floor smells. EWW!!! I have a fan, dehumidifier and candles to get the smell and dampness out. And somebody, (we don't know who) ate quite a few of the chocolates that Danny sent me. I was pretty mad about that too. I am just sooo stressed. I really wanted to talk to Danny too. He always makes me feel better. And he appreciates how much work I do. I am never home. Between classes Mon-Sat, and working 40 hours a week. I say I am stressed and my mom (the ultimate over acheiver) says that I just need to manage my time better. WHAT!!! Danny understands. Gosh I miss him. He makes me feel like I shouldn't have a care in the world. He is the best listener. My best friend. I always miss him most when I am stressed or upset. He is the ultimate comforter for me. Missing him most in those times really doesn't help either, because I am usually already pretty upset. Add to all of this allergies, cramps, and a severe headache, and there you have it. My life as of now.
Ok, I feel a little better. Sorry to post and bitch but man, I needed to spill.
Ok, I feel a little better. Sorry to post and bitch but man, I needed to spill.
At 3:50 PM,
Michelle said…
That's ok Courtney. You are entitled to gripe. I hope you're feeling better, and hopefully you've heard from Danny, or at least will soon. Sounds like you have a full plate for sure. Keep your chin up, you WILL make it!
At 10:00 PM,
kbug said…
Girl, that's why we're all you have other people in your shoes to gripe to. So you just go ahead and unload...we've got your six..... :)
At 1:09 AM,
Karyzma said…
I know exactly what you feel like. I'm in school full time, work, and am getting ready for the PCS to Japan. The movers are coming in a month so I'm busy trying to figure out what I can shove in my luggage. Yep, I'll be living out of 2 suitcases for the next 3 months. :o/ My Hubby is deployed too, and I have to take care of all the bills and everything else under the sun on top of all the stuff I already had on my plate. SO, yeah. I know EXACTLY how you feel. My parents are hard on me too, always giving me a hard time about being "lazy" on Sundays. (my only time to do nothing) :o) Anywho, I hope you get to talk to Danny very soon. I'm sure he misses you and is bummed out about not getting to hear your voice just as much as you do! In the meantime, we are all here for you girl. Have a great night!
At 8:40 AM,
Courtney said…
I have those days. Having them alot more lately actually but like Michelle said your entitled. Look at all your going through! I hope your week gets better girlie!!
At 11:20 AM,
Glo said…
Sorry your feeling grumpy. It's ok. I use to have so many hard time...but with the help of the others,I made it through with my hubby gone from sence June of 05 and just got back from a year in Iraq. Believe me you will make it through this,sometimes I felt like I was just going to die with out him. He back now and I'm so happy. He's retiring after 24 yrs. So hang in there girl.
Love and God bless,
At 3:30 AM,
Charla said…
Hey girl, go ahead and vent! We all need it from time to time! More often now since our men are gone! Take care girl and hang in there! We're all here for you!!! Love ya!!
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