Long time no post
Well once again sorry it has been awhile since I have posted. I find myself saying that very often. Well my absence from the blogging world is very easily explainable. I have been talking to Danny. That's right, practically everyday for the past 2 weeks. Usually we hardly ever caught each other online because the times he was on I was in school. Well now that school is out we are talking all the time. I have more time and he has found himself with less missions. He is down to one or two a day (yes I said down to, I think his CO is going for a record or something). In two weeks I have gone two days without iming him and on those days he emailed me. I have also gotten 3 phone calls in 3 weeks. This is so rare for me. Usually I would get an email every 3 to 4 days, a phone call whenever he had time (usually once or twice a month) and we would catch each other online maybe once or twice a month. I love being able to talk to him all the time. It is so strange running out of things to talk about. And what is even more strange is that I love running out of things to talk about. It feels like we have a normal relationship again without the restraints of distance and war. I feel so blessed lately. Now that I have explained the wonderful reasons to be away from the blogging community (although I did miss you ladies), I can move on to the things I have been meaning to post about for awhile.
I read a post about a deployment being couples therapy. This got me thinking. I agree 100%. Lately, my friends have all been having problems with their relationships and they have been coming to me for advice because they see how good me and Danny's relationship is. And I noticed a trend in problems. Lack of good communication skills and taking advantage of what they have. Well, listening to all of my friends' problems made me realize how lucky Danny and I are. See before he was deployed he was stationed in Texas, and I still lived in Missouri. He would call me everyday for hours and hours and I would see him once a month. He would stay with his parents, just 10 miles away. Well because of our distance we were forced to develop great communication skills. This is very beneficial to a relationship I realized. These skills enable us to talk through every problem we have within an hour. Granted the distance does make it hard for us to get used to each other's mannerisms and causes other problems you can only imagine but once again our communication skills prevail and we work through those problems. This distance also made us value each other and the time we spent together. People in relationships where they see each other all the time, sometimes tend to get comfortable and feel they don't have to try anymore (not everyone but some people). Well because Danny and I don't see each other we value every second and I think that we will for quite some time because we will remember the times that we couldn't see each other. And this deployment has only made us stronger. We have learned not to fight over petty things. We don't let things bother us like they used to because we never know when we will be able to talk to each other again. This whole experience has only made our relationship better. Although it still sucks that he is gone. But I am going to focus on the positive for as long as I can.
I read a post about a deployment being couples therapy. This got me thinking. I agree 100%. Lately, my friends have all been having problems with their relationships and they have been coming to me for advice because they see how good me and Danny's relationship is. And I noticed a trend in problems. Lack of good communication skills and taking advantage of what they have. Well, listening to all of my friends' problems made me realize how lucky Danny and I are. See before he was deployed he was stationed in Texas, and I still lived in Missouri. He would call me everyday for hours and hours and I would see him once a month. He would stay with his parents, just 10 miles away. Well because of our distance we were forced to develop great communication skills. This is very beneficial to a relationship I realized. These skills enable us to talk through every problem we have within an hour. Granted the distance does make it hard for us to get used to each other's mannerisms and causes other problems you can only imagine but once again our communication skills prevail and we work through those problems. This distance also made us value each other and the time we spent together. People in relationships where they see each other all the time, sometimes tend to get comfortable and feel they don't have to try anymore (not everyone but some people). Well because Danny and I don't see each other we value every second and I think that we will for quite some time because we will remember the times that we couldn't see each other. And this deployment has only made us stronger. We have learned not to fight over petty things. We don't let things bother us like they used to because we never know when we will be able to talk to each other again. This whole experience has only made our relationship better. Although it still sucks that he is gone. But I am going to focus on the positive for as long as I can.
At 12:47 PM,
Michelle said…
I'm so glad that you've been able to talk to Danny so much. You are certainly right, distance makes you realize what you have and puts you in a situation where you have to communicate. It's either learn very quickly how to express yourself or fail in your relationship. It's wonderful to know what you have so that you know not to take advantage of it when it returns.
Happy 4th of July!
At 1:02 PM,
kbug said…
I have to agree with you about that...communication is the most important thing in a relationship. If you can't talk about things, you're not gonna last very long.
I'm so happy that you're getting to talk to Danny more often now. I talk to Seth on the IM about once a week, but I got to talk to him on the phone a week ago for the first time since Mother's Day and it was heaven. I got to hear his laughter and talk about nothing. I also got to "hear" his attitude, and it was very positive. That's always good for a mom to hear.
At 7:49 PM,
Charla said…
It was good to see you post again! I've been wondering how you were doing, but I'm sure you're busy with work and school.
I'm so glad you've gotten to talk to Danny! I know how much easier it makes things to be able to talk to them. I catch myself acting like a teenager with a crush when I talk to Steve! LOL You know, just giddy and unable to stop smiling! LOL
I agree with you completely on the relationship thing. When Steve left, we were having some problems and I honestly didn't think we would last through this deployment, but being apart has made us both realize how much we really do care about eachother. We've had to let go of the small stuff and focus on us, and making this work. Now we're only a few months away from the end of the deployment and we're doing great!
You and Danny continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!
Take care and keep in touch!
At 2:20 PM,
Monica said…
Communication is a wonderful thing. I talk to my husband at least once a day over im and we also talk or call each other through the computrs. I really do not know how the wives and girlfriends were able to deal with the unknown in the past wars.
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