My heart is in Iraq

This site is meant for the women of different military men to support each other through deployments and everyday military life.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Well I am back and I have mixed feelings about it. I am sad to be in this situation again but I did miss you guys. Anyway spending two weeks with Danny was amazing. It realized very quickly just how much I missed him and how much I love spending time with him. We had so much fun. We went to the zoo, the symphony, a Cardinal's game at the brand new stadium, and we attended many family dinners and functions. It was exhausting but at the end of every night we cuddled on the couch watching movies. I always left his house at 2 or 3 AM which really sucked because I had school the next day but I didn't care. We also reserved the church while he was home. We sat with the pastor and told him that marriage counciling would be difficult since he is in Iraq but they are going to work with us. Anyway he left Sunday morning. I didn't leave his house until 3AM and I was back at his house at 5:30 AM to spend time with him before leaving to take him to the airport at 6. He looked so good in his uniform. He was tired too. He tried to stay awake all night so that he could sleep through the flights because he didn't want to think about home which would be hard for him because he didn't have anyone to talk to. What is funny is that I contained myself at the airport. I DIDN'T CRY. Granted, it wasn't easy but I did it. After that I came home and slept all day. After that I felt like a zombie. I didn't have much feeling. Wasn't happy, sad, I was just living. It was like being in a constant daydream. I went to work on Monday and the girl I worked with was like, "Smile Courtney, come on smile." Finally I told her I don't feel like smiling. And I didn't. But then Danny called me from Kuwait while I was at work and that is when the emotions started coming. I cried the whole phone call but he didn't know and once we got off the phone I lost it. I was bawling. I knew that was going to happen too. I figured everything would hit me when he called from Kuwait. As of now I don't know where he is. I assume he is still in Kuwait because he told me he would call me when he got to Iraq. Anyway for some lighter news.... I bought my wedding dress today. I am so lucky too because it is being discontinued and I could have only ordered it til the end of this month. So as of now I have the reception hall booked, the church, the photographer and the dress. So I am well on my way to a June 16, 2007 wedding. And I can't wait. After these two weeks with Danny I know now more than ever how wonderful he is and just how perfect he is for me.


  • At 10:38 PM, Blogger Oberon said…

    .......relax.....everything will be okay.

  • At 10:42 PM, Blogger Michelle said…

    You guys are so cute together. I'm glad that you had a good time together. Sorry he had to leave again. I hope that you hear from him soon.

  • At 6:37 PM, Blogger Kc said…

    your two weeks finally came, looks like yall had a blast.. glad it was good. yeah i didnt cry at the air port either, but cried the next day when he called Yall are so cute, i just like the pic of yall at the picnic, nice one.. Well you seem to have a bunch of your wedding stuff done, at least the important back to the hawaii island stuff, it depends on what yall are looking for, if yall want fun and exciting like city life, go to Honalulu, if you want laid back relaxed but some fun stuff to go to maui, but i think any island you go to will be fun.. oh yeah dont look at it as if saying good bye look at it as see you later..
    well stay in there girlie wher in this together, WE CAN DO IT..
    you know where my blog


  • At 6:41 PM, Blogger kbug said…

    Katie and I were just talking about you today...wondering if and when Danny had gone back because we were at the airport on Monday visiting with one of Seth's friends who had a layover in Dallas on his way back from R&R. I picked up the laptop to check your site, and lo and behold, there was your new post. Katie was "awwwwing" as we watched your slide show. It was so sweet and reminded me of when Seth came in. I'm glad you two had a great couple of weeks together...and I'm sorry it had to come to an end so soon...but they will both be home before the end of the year, and it's getting shorter all the time. But, I've always been a glass-half-full type of person and refuse to look at things in a pessimistic way. Hang in there girl...we're all gonna make it.

  • At 1:41 PM, Blogger Courtney said…

    I know exactly what you are going husband left to go back a couple days ago too. Sucks huh?!?!?!

  • At 10:47 PM, Blogger Charla said…

    Hi Courtney, I found your blog through my friend Courtney's blog, waiting on my soldier! :) Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I know how you feel. My boyfriend, Steve, was in for his 2 weeks in March. It was so hard to tell him goodbye again! We have a 7 month old little boy together, and it was hard because he hasn't gotten to spend much time at all with him since his birth! Hang in there girl, you'll make it. We'll all help eachother! You guys are so cute together. If you get a chance, stop by my blog - Standing By My Man!! Take care! Charla

  • At 2:17 AM, Blogger CaliValleyGirl said…

    Just read your R&R post, and it brings back memories. It's crazy, bc for the longest time, it was something you look forward to, then it comes and goes like the Doppler Effect: you hear it coming forever, but then, Whoosh...gone. However, it is an important milestone. You can scratch it off the list. There are many mini-milestones along the way, and no matter how sad they might be: a mised birthday, xmas, etc, they are a sign that time is passing by.

    Congrats on the wedding dress and all the other plans! It was great to watch Erika with her plans over the deployment, and now she is less than 3 months away...

    Take care!


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