12 DAYS!!!!!
And I am more excited than ever. His homecoming is all I think about. The other day I went shopping for stuff to wear when he is home. I spent a lot of money :) Oh well I'll be looking good. I just keep thinking about him. He is the most wonderful man I have ever known and I can't wait to be with him again. I keep seeing these cute couples and I think man, not much longer, then I see these messed up relationships and I think about how blessed I am to be with someone as amazing as he is. I am actually really concerned with what he is going to think about how I look though. I have gained some weight. He tells me I am ridiculous because he sees me on the webcam and he says I look good. But I can't help it. I guess my biggest fear is that he plays this up in his head. I don't want him to be disappointed with anything. But enough about that. I am too excited to let this worry me. I know in my head he loves me no matter what, I am just letting the girly side get to me. If only men knew what we went through for them. *Sigh*
At 4:24 PM,
Michelle said…
I'm so glad that it's getting closer for you! I'm sure that no matter what he is going to think that you're beautiful, after all you're his love. That's all that matters. I hope that the time passes fast for you.
At 11:44 PM,
kbug said…
You sound just like Katie did before Seth came in on leave. She worried about her hair, what she was gonna wear, her weight...I couldn't help but laugh. I tried to tell her that he wouldn't care, but...oh well, it kept her busy and made the time go by faster for her. You girls are so funny!!! I love it..... :)
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