Ok so I know it has been a while since I have posted but not much has been going on. My 19th birthday was on the 28th and was welcomed in by a call from Danny. School has been keeping me busy and at the moment I am using every and any excuse possible to avoid practicing piano for my class tomorrow. I don't really feel like doing homework right now. I want to sleep. But aside from that, April is closer and closer and Danny's return is all I dream and think about. Apparently it is all he thinks about also. In his most recent email he told me that he can't wait to come home. The part that is driving me crazy is that we have no freaking idea when exactly he will be home. What's worse is that if I don't find out soon enough I might not be able to get off work. There are 6 girls including myself on the schedule at my work so me wanting a week off is going to be hard. Although my supervisor said I will get it no matter what because she would work for me (which is because I always come in when I am not scheduled). Little does she know that 3 of the girls might be quitting which will inevitably screw me over. But enough about that. I keep reading other women's blogs and it seems so many of their men are coming home. I am so happy for them but it does make me miss Danny even more. I want to be them. I guess that makes me selfish because they waited their year or more and if they can do it, then damnit so can I. I miss him constantly but am becoming more accustomed to the idea that he is gone. I don't cry as often. Well except for one day at work when that song "Wake me up when September ends" came on. I got a little teary eyed. Other than that I am keeping busy. School is still no fun but a necessity. I'm hoping that the busier I am, the sooner April will come. I was thinking today, I want a "reunited hug" picture. Who will take it? I don't want to tell his parents, "Ok, when he comes up to hug me here's the camera, take a good picture ok?" I mean everytime he comes home he hugs me first but I feel like I would be rubbing that in their faces and besides I don't think they will be able to focus to take a picture. I am sure they will be too excited as will I.
Now a little about Iraq. Ok, so I don't really watch the news for multiple reasons. 1. I am already sad because I miss him all the time, and yes I do worry but I don't want to be consumed by it because of the stuff I see. 2. The news is most definitely not the best source of factual information. 3. If I watch the news and I hear that something bad happened I will be freaking out until I hear from him again. I would just rather naively assume he is ok all the time. Like the other day I got off the phone with him and went upstairs where my parents were watching the news and heard that many soldiers had died. My whole family looked at me and I said, "It isn't Danny, I just got done talking to him." Now imagine if I hadn't talked to him. Sometimes he doesn't write me for days and days. If I heard that, I would be a wreck until I heard from him again. But anyway, it is most definitely more dangerous over there. Danny keeps telling me about all these car bombs. One went off 300 meters away from him the other day and killed 20 Iraqis. And just the other day while he was on patrol one went off in his area which killed more Iraqis. I am thankful that no soldiers were injured but I still worry. So don't stop praying.
Ok I guess I will go study and practice now that it is midnight. My schedule is so messed up. I will try to post more often I promise.
Now a little about Iraq. Ok, so I don't really watch the news for multiple reasons. 1. I am already sad because I miss him all the time, and yes I do worry but I don't want to be consumed by it because of the stuff I see. 2. The news is most definitely not the best source of factual information. 3. If I watch the news and I hear that something bad happened I will be freaking out until I hear from him again. I would just rather naively assume he is ok all the time. Like the other day I got off the phone with him and went upstairs where my parents were watching the news and heard that many soldiers had died. My whole family looked at me and I said, "It isn't Danny, I just got done talking to him." Now imagine if I hadn't talked to him. Sometimes he doesn't write me for days and days. If I heard that, I would be a wreck until I heard from him again. But anyway, it is most definitely more dangerous over there. Danny keeps telling me about all these car bombs. One went off 300 meters away from him the other day and killed 20 Iraqis. And just the other day while he was on patrol one went off in his area which killed more Iraqis. I am thankful that no soldiers were injured but I still worry. So don't stop praying.
Ok I guess I will go study and practice now that it is midnight. My schedule is so messed up. I will try to post more often I promise.
At 11:15 PM,
Kc said…
Well i dreaded it when the time came but it really wasnt that bad, i guess it is easier because we have already been there done that.. and to think this time he comes home it will be good.. but i hope you have a blast and hope to talk to you soon..
be strong and know that I am here if you need a fellow aw.. to talk to ,,lol
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