I have been having a crappy couple of days. My finals are all this week and I had a jury this morning which means I play in front of all the music teachers and they judge me and give me a grade for the semester based on a couple of songs and scales that they pick. Well let's just say I tanked. I mean it was horrible. My scales were bad at least. I didn't even play the right amount of notes. Then I thought the piece went ok but appearantly not. They told me to put more emotion into it. I HATE THAT SONG! And I hate it even more because my teachers made me feel like I suck at it.
On top of all of this, I am having a really hard time adjusting to Danny being gone all over again. I hate waiting for emails, not being able to hear his voice, praying he is online when I am signing on so we can IM each other. And it is hard not to think about him because I work with this girl who's reserve Marine fiance just left for California to do training to go to Iraq and she is constantly saying, "I miss Tim, I miss Tim." She was just text messaging him and he calls her everyday. I mean I feel for her that he is gone, but really. She makes me so mad. I am sitting there trying not to think about my situation and she doesn't stop talking about Iraq. Her fiance is only going to be there for a couple of months, I try to tell her that she should realize she is luckier than some, but that doesn't sink in for her. I guess this makes me a b%*@! for not sympathizing for her situation but I just can't bring myself to feel sorry for her that her fiance is in CALIFORNIA! And she gets to talk to him all the time. But oh wait there's more....
I also just found out from my friend of 5 years, that he doesn't want to talk. That really upset me. I won't even get into the reasons why.
I guess I sound like a conceited little brat right now but this is just how I am feeling. I miss Danny so much. I am an emotional wreck. I think people can tell that I am depressed too. People ask me how I am doing and I grunt an answer and they say something like you miss him don't you, and I break down crying. The other day a girl from my orchestra kissed her boyfriend who came to see the concert and that brought me to tears. This is almost worse than when he first left. I am once again in this zombie state where I only smile if something funny happens, I don't talk much, and I just sit there. Like a constant daydream. Just zoning out. I feel a little better just writing all of this. Well I have one question, does that make me a you know what for not feeling sorry for her like everyone else does? Anyway I have to go write 2 commentary papers, a 5 page research paper and study for my final tomorrow.
On top of all of this, I am having a really hard time adjusting to Danny being gone all over again. I hate waiting for emails, not being able to hear his voice, praying he is online when I am signing on so we can IM each other. And it is hard not to think about him because I work with this girl who's reserve Marine fiance just left for California to do training to go to Iraq and she is constantly saying, "I miss Tim, I miss Tim." She was just text messaging him and he calls her everyday. I mean I feel for her that he is gone, but really. She makes me so mad. I am sitting there trying not to think about my situation and she doesn't stop talking about Iraq. Her fiance is only going to be there for a couple of months, I try to tell her that she should realize she is luckier than some, but that doesn't sink in for her. I guess this makes me a b%*@! for not sympathizing for her situation but I just can't bring myself to feel sorry for her that her fiance is in CALIFORNIA! And she gets to talk to him all the time. But oh wait there's more....
I also just found out from my friend of 5 years, that he doesn't want to talk. That really upset me. I won't even get into the reasons why.
I guess I sound like a conceited little brat right now but this is just how I am feeling. I miss Danny so much. I am an emotional wreck. I think people can tell that I am depressed too. People ask me how I am doing and I grunt an answer and they say something like you miss him don't you, and I break down crying. The other day a girl from my orchestra kissed her boyfriend who came to see the concert and that brought me to tears. This is almost worse than when he first left. I am once again in this zombie state where I only smile if something funny happens, I don't talk much, and I just sit there. Like a constant daydream. Just zoning out. I feel a little better just writing all of this. Well I have one question, does that make me a you know what for not feeling sorry for her like everyone else does? Anyway I have to go write 2 commentary papers, a 5 page research paper and study for my final tomorrow.
At 3:48 PM,
Charla said…
Hang in there hun, you'll make it through! I think it's normal to feel that way about your friend. We all get a jealous feeling once in a while when we hear our friends talking about their boyfriends. I straight out told my friend Courtney that I was so jealous of her when Matt was in, and she told me that she felt the same way when Steve was in for his R&R! We try to be happy for our friends, but it makes us miss our man even more. It's completely normal!! There's absolutely nothing wrong with you. Some people just don't realize how hard it is being 8,000 miles from your man, what it feels like not to hear from them for days sometimes weeks at a time. They automatically assume you get to talk to them all the time. I will admit, I'm pretty lucky that I get to talk to Steve almost every day, and if not,everyother day. I truly count my blessings for that. I remember though when I didn't hear from him for a week at a time though, and it sucked. Hang in there! You'll make it. You have all of us cheering you on. Good luck on your finals as well. Love ya!
Your blogging friend,
At 11:05 PM,
kbug said…
Hey girl, you hang in there. It will get better, and every day that passes brings you one day closer to the end of Danny's deployment. Venting is always good, especially here, because we all understand where you're coming from. You CAN do this...we're here for you...... :)
At 9:21 AM,
Courtney said…
I know exactly what you mean. My friends complain to me about their boyfriends or husbands not calling them on time. I just want to slap them! I have basically stopped talking to alot of people because they just don't understand. I am glad I have found people like you who know EXACTLY what I am going through. Hang in there! We will make it through together ok. E-mail me anytime ccleveland @zoominternet.net & my yahoo im is soldierschic Charla & I are on there almost every night. Complaining away!
At 1:46 PM,
Courtney said…
Tag your it girl! 100 things about you now!
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