Going crazy....
This is the 8th day since I have heard from Danny. I am going crazy. I have never had to wait this long. My little sister said she saw that he was online yesterday as she was running out of the house so I thought surely I would get an email. I thought wrong. Aside from that I stopped in to ask that you guys pray for me. We won't go into what happened but pray that justice gets served to the fullest extent and that I have peace of mind. I would also like to say I probably won't be posting much for a little while. And I apologize for my lack of comments on other peoples' blogs lately. I will get back into the swing of things eventually.... I hope.
At 1:08 PM,
E said…
I hope everything is ok, both with you and your fiance. You'll be in my prayers.
At 7:29 PM,
Courtney said…
I hope everything is ok if you need me just e~mail ok! I'm here to listen if you need me ok girlie!!!
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