What a view!
What view you might ask. Oh that would be the view from cloud nine. I am so happy. Danny and I talked online for about 5 hours last night. Granted, my amount of sleep was dismal but man it was worth it. Our talks are the best. We never talk about Iraq or the distance between us. We talked as if we were together again. We joked, made fun of each other. We had fun. He can always make me laugh. Even when I am in the worst mood. That is one of the reasons why I fell in love with him. It is so hard to get caught up in the fact that we are apart when I am laughing. I can't wait to be with him again. We are halfway done with this deployment. Bring on the second half and let it end as quickly as the first.
At 4:14 PM,
kbug said…
What a difference a little ol' phone call can make!!! I haven't talked to Seth much on the phone, mostly just the IM...but he talks to Katie quite often on the phone and she's always singing afterward. Every now and then I get to talk to him on the phone when he's looking for Katie...lol...go figure..... :) Enjoy the view!!!
At 8:46 PM,
Courtney said…
Thats great Courtney! You seem so happy again which makes me happy!!! Kbug said it best.....Enjoy the view! I know I sure do:)
At 9:54 AM,
Charla said…
Hey girl, I'm so glad you got to talk to Danny for so long! Steve and I have had a few 3 or more hour conversations online. It always makes me feel so much better to be able to talk to him. Of course I don't get anything else done around here with my face in the computer, but oh, well huh!!!! Take care!
Love ya,
At 6:13 PM,
Michelle said…
That's wonderful. I'm glad that you got to have such a long conversation. I pray the next half flies by for ya!
At 8:07 PM,
Michelle said…
That is great! I am so happy for you. I pray that you have many more to come.
At 9:11 AM,
T!ff@ny said…
Congrats! I know that was nice!
At 11:47 AM,
Kc said…
HEHE.. im soo glad you got to talk to danny, it feels soo good. I do the same with seth, we barely talk about iraq, and if we do i like it cause i kinda feel like im there with him if he tells me about what he does during the day, it weird i know. I cant believe were half way through, it has gone by soooo fast, and i am thinking that the second is going to go by just as fast or faster.. yipee.lol well thanks for the comment about seth, we both have some handsome young men..hehe..soldiers.. well talk at you later..
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