My heart is in Iraq

This site is meant for the women of different military men to support each other through deployments and everyday military life.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Almost there....

Ok so I am definately getting anxious. And as of now Danny has to stay in Texas for the 4 day leave when he gets home. At first I was soooo stressed about that because I can't miss school. But eventually, I just got over it. I am fine. JUST KEEP BREATHING, is what I keep telling myself. Which is actually a big deal for me, because I tend to stress out so easily. But right now, I have so much stress in my life that any additional is just cause for laughter. So lately, I have been laughing my butt off. I am so happy for Michelle (Until He Comes Home), her hubby just got home. I remember when Danny first left it seemed like everyone's men were coming home. I was sooo happy and incredibly jealous at the same time. But now it is MY TURN, and how funny cuz it seems like so many other peoples guys are coming home. YAY US!! We have all almost made it!!!!!


  • At 9:26 PM, Blogger kbug said…

    I've been there before, when things kept going wrong so much that I just began to laugh hysterically. I guess it's really a good way to relieve stress...and they do say that laughter is the best medicine.

    It sucks that Danny can't come home during his 4-day pass, but can't you work ahead in school so you can take a couple extra days. If your teacher doesn't understand that your fiance is coming home after being in Iraq for a year and you need to be with him for the 4 days he has off, give me her phone number and I'll explain it to her..... :) There ain't nothin' gonna keep me away when Seth comes in, but he can at least come to Dallas during his leave if he wants to...or if Katie will let him.....hahaha.

    Take care, girl, and don't be afraid to stand up for your rights..... :)

  • At 12:20 PM, Blogger Michelle said…

    Thank you Courtney! Everyone's men (out of our blogger group) are almost home! It's so wonderful and I'm glad to see it coming to an end. I hope that the time goes by very quickly for the rest of you all. Don't stress out too much, everything will work out in the end!


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